Edward O.

Edward has a master in engineering for jet engines and turbomachines. He built major power plants as a project manager and delivered every project on budget and time. His favourite was Isogo New Unit Nb.1 in Japan which is the poster boy to date in regard to efficiency.

Moving from Germany to Australia in 2003 meant a change in lifestyle and Edward started distributing a European Headwear brand in Australia that was relatively unknown.

Since then his main focus has been using the digital world and tools to introduce a brand, create demand in a profitable way and service Australia in the most efficient way.

With the rise in digital marketing and the rise in advertising costs, he spent the last years focusing on cost-efficient pay per click marketing strategies and the best combination of Search Engine Optimisation and Pay Per Click.

He runs an omnichannel e-commerce website himself and assists I Need Website’s clients in navigating their way through the ever-increasing complexity of digital marketing.

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